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Recent statistics from the United Nations show that Latin America has become the most violent region on the planet. The rise of trafficking in arms, drugs and people, the multiplication of money laundering operations, corruption and the co-optation of vast sectors of Latin American political and economic life by organized crime have enormous negative repercussions on the lives of their citizens, embody a threat to the democratic system of their countries and constitute one of the main obstacles to the development of the region. Unfortunately, the only ones who have understood the regional and global character of the world in which we live and structured their organizations according to that reality are criminals. International networks that hide and protect fugitives from justice, global systems of cooperation between criminal gangs, globalized exchange of information and weapons, interconnected mafias at regional and global level are just some of the problems that erode the effectiveness of national systems that prosecute organized crime.


In Latin America, organized crime has overflowed countries and reached a regional scale. And regional problems require regional solutions that favour the effectiveness of public policies, ensure the protection of the law and guarantee the preservation of life and human rights, and the validity of the rule of law.


For all these reasons I support the campaign for the creation of a LATIN AMERICAN AND CARIBBEAN CRIMINAL COURT AGAINST THE ORGANIZED TRANSNATIONAL CRIME (COPLA) complementary and subsidiary of existing justice systems, and I propose that it has a pluralist and multilateral composition that respects the national constitutions and international treaties.


To facilitate its implementation, I suggest it is based on the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime in Palermo and its annexed protocols, to which most of the countries of the region have adhered.


A LATIN AMERICAN AND CARIBBEAN CRIMINAL COURT AGAINST ORGANIZED TRANSNATIONAL CRIME could be fundamental in the criminal prosecution of mafia leaders, the confiscation of their assets and the scrapping of their organizations. It could also promote the improvement of national criminal laws, favour international judicial and police cooperation and offer protection to witnesses of crimes and to activists and volunteers who fight organized crime and its consequences.

That is why I adhere to its creation, I authorize this support to be made public and I call on all citizens, organizations and democratic governments of Latin America, the Caribbean and the world to actively participate in the campaign for its constitution.

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