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What is COPLA?

​What is the COPLA?

COPLA is the abbreviation to define the Latin American and Caribbean Criminal Court against Transnational Organized Crime. We propose its creation through the promotion of individuals, civil society organizations and policies of the region and the support of Latin American governments interested in confronting the problem of organized crime from a regional and international cooperation perspective.


What is the campaign for the COPLA and why is it born?

It is a campaign that promote the creation of a Latin American and Caribbean Criminal Court against Transnational Organized Crime (COPLA) promoted by an Argentine non-governmental organization called Global Democracy.


Latin America has become the most violent region in the world. The criminal organizations associated with drug trafficking, human trafficking, money laundering, and other transnational crimes have reached a regional dimension and escaped the control of national institutions. COPLA could be an effective mechanism to prosecute and sanction criminal leaders, confiscate their assets and disarm their organizations.


Which would be the function of the COPLA?

​To attack the transnational crime organized across one Regional Courte complementary and subsidiary of the national systems of justice, that works in addition like To agency from promotion of public policies of safety to regional scale.

Since Courte would search:
1) To chase and to judge in supranational instance  to the  Members or members of major range of the seize organizations delictives , habitually unpunished and protected for national networks of judicial and political complicity.

2)To recover the goods obtained illegally by these organizations; a measure of extraordinary efficiency in the decrease of his power experienced successfully on Italy, Colombia and other countries.? Such recuperos were propitiating to repair the victims, both individual and collective


Since to an Reginal Agency might:

1)To monitor the situation in the region
2)To promote the improvement, the coordination and the harmonization Of the penal national legislations
3)Member favors the judicial and police cooperation between the countries
4)To offer protection to the witnesses of crimes Transnational and to the volunteers of organizations who attack the organized criminality and his consequences.


What would be COPLA's competence?

It would judge the one who directs, administers, organizes or promotes a transnational organized criminal group destined to commit any of the following crimes:

- Illicit traffic in narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances.

- Illicit manufacture and / or trafficking of firearms, their components, parts and ammunition.

- Trafficking of people.

- Illicit trafficking of migrants.

- Traffic of cultural goods

- Money laundering

- Transnational bribery


​What countries might form a part?

​Antigua y Barbuda, Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados, Belice, Bolivia, Brasil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, Dominica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Granada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haití, Honduras, Jamaica, México, Nicaragua, Panamá, Paraguay, Perú, República Dominicana, San Cristóbal y Nieves, San Vicente y las Granadinas, Santa Lucía, Surinam, Trinidad y Tobago, Uruguay y Venezuela.


What are the strategies of COPLA´s campaign?

A) The creation of a broad Latin American and global coalition of organizations that fight against organized crime and are favorable to the creation of the COPLA.

B) The adhesion of the largest possible number of citizens of Latin America and the world to the campaign.

C) The drafting of a statute for its operation compatible with national constitutions and existing international treaties.

D) The participation of political actors in the process, including the political parties and their parliamentary representations as well as governments and regional organizations.


Who can join the campaign and how?

All those persons or organizations that support the creation of a Latin American and Caribbean Criminal Court against Transnational Organized Crime can be part by, signing the petition form To do this, click here.


How can you contribute to the creation of COPLA?

1) Adhesion: Sign the petition here.

2) Donation: The campaign for the creation of the COPLA needs funds to establish a regional NGO network and generate documents, meetings, presentations and conferences, among other activities. You can do it by clicking here.

3) Time and capacities: If you want to collaborate with us, write to us at

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